Roleplaying Star Wars

SW GM Campaign Part 2 Characters and Timeline

Star Wars – Game Management

Campaign Creation Part 2 – Characters and a Generational Timeline


The last Star Wars campaign was Adventure focused, running the set piece adventures that had been published and taking the characters through those stories as the campaign. With no downtime or side quests for personal growth.

This design was to give me an understanding of the rules, and test out some house rules I wanted to implement to tie in the three rulesets in a coherent way.

This worked out well for me and I enjoyed how it turned out. My next post will go into house rules.

For the new Star Wars campaign I am going to start it a little differently. Players will select a species and begin play and can advance one aspect of their character a session.

They will be able to advance one aspect of their character a month so the character will go through some background growth and likely spend at least a year working with the other characters fleshing out their character story and how they fit into the universe. All advancement will be done via negotiation and not all of it will be available as this is a story advancement and their character will need a story reason for being able to advance it.

For example if a character who wants to use the force and be a jedi should spend time roleplaying being force sensitive.

Characters will gain experience based on if they were active that game month or not. 5 XP for being active and 1 for not being active.

Planned Time Period

Each season is meant to be ten game years and players have a choice to be a new character or continue with the old. New characters don’t have the baggage of existing character, and your actions will come to haunt you in the following seasons, even if your character retires.

Season 1 – Force and Destiny

Characters will start at the timeframe of the Phantom Menace (Episode 1) and have a chance to experience the Republic at its height.

This season has 10 game years planned, where characters can be anything even members of the Jedi order, where Jedi are the keepers of the peace, and they will have the option to take them into a second season of the game leading to the start of the clone wars.

Character choice will determine future storyline. You can change the cannon story if you choose to do so, but the story will not turn out the same if you do.

Season 2 – Rise of the Separatists

Characters in the second season of the game are witness to the rise of the separatist movement and the start of the alliance that builds the droid army with hints of the Sith and the corruption of the senate and government.

You can stand as part of the republic, or move to be part of the separatists, or be neutral. This season ends with the start of the clone wars.

Season 3 – Collapse of the Republic

Characters in the third season of the game are part of the clone wars and will experience the fall of the republic and the rise of the empire.

They get to witness the aftermath of order 66 and any remaining force users in the party may be possible to track based on their actions.

This season will also be a 10 year storyline and end with the empire in full swing.

Season 4 – Dawn of Rebellion

Season 4 will bring about the rise of the rebellion, inquisitors now chase down force users.

But there is a spark of hope and characters can experience the rise of that hope as it forms a rebellion and starts to organise itself to be more than isolated pockets of resistance working against the empire.

Season 5 – Age of Rebellion

With the death star plans being stolen the characters are into the sixthed season of the game and the war at its height, what happens here and afterwards is in the hands of the players. But it is also intended to be another ten game years for the characters.

Season 6 – Edge of the Empire

The Empire has disappeared, and the rebellion has formed the new republic. What will happen here is based on what has happened before.

Season 7 – The Force Slumbers

This season ends with the rise of the first order after dealing with the fall of the last jedi and his disciples. Most of what happens here is based on what has happened before.

Season 8 – The Force Awakens

The first order, starkiller base and the fall of the new republic. This has a lot of options for the players.

What happens after this is up to the players. It is unclear how far the players will make it, but it will be based on how much fun we are still having, and if there is more to tell.

As this is campaign plan, it will be interesting to see how it end up over the course of the game, and how long it takes them to get through a season of the game.

Content Updates

  • 2021-07-31 – Updated links and layout.
  • 2020-04-26 – Structure.
Star Wars RPG

SW Menu: Adventure, New Rules, Adversary, Companies, Droid, Equipment, Galaxy Map, Location, Vehicle

Campaign: NPCs, Side Stories, Timeline

Game Management: Annotated Stat Block, Character Creation, Choosing a New Campaign, Creating a Galaxy Map, Ending three year campaign, GM’s Luck Roll, Running Games over Skype, Tracking Experience, 2016 Campaign

Character Builds: Bounty Hunter (Karlid – Assassin, Vanna – Gadgeteer, Kyanna – Martial Artist, Jed – Operator, Theya – Skip Tracer, Cadkia – Survivalist), Smuggler (Ebaya – Gambler), Technician (B1-337 – Droid Tech)

References: for Characters, for GMs, Dice, Items (Lightsabers, Modifying, Purchasing, Qualities), Knight Level Play, Mechanics (Awareness, Duty, Morality, Obligation), Movement (Personal, Planetary, Vehicles), Roles (Bounty Hunting, Investigations), Secrets (Empire, Jedi, Mandalorians, Rebels, Sith)

Creating a Campaign:
(1) Rules and Setting,
(2) Characters and Timeline,
(3) Fringes Storyline,
(4) Rebels Storyline,
(5) Force Storyline,
(6) Mandalorian Storyline

SW Adventures

Campaigns: 2011 West End Games Edition, WEG to Fantasy Flight Games

The Star Wars Beginner Games: Overall Review, EotE Escape from Mos Shuuta, This includes: The Long Arm of the Hutt, AoR Takeover at Whisper Base, This includes: Operation: Shadowpoint, FD Mountaintop Rescue, This includes: Lure of the Lost, FA Discovery on Jakku , This includes: A Call for Heroes

The Published Adventures Campaign: Character Creation

The Beta Rule Adventures: Crates of Krayts (EotE), Operation: Shell Game (AoR), Lost Knowledge (FD)

The Core Rule Adventures: Trouble Brewing (EotE), Perlemian Haul (AoR), Lessons from the Past (FD)

The Game Master Kit Adventures: Debts to Pay (EotE), Dead in the Water (AoR), Hidden Depths (FD)

The Published Adventures: Beyond the Rim (EotE), Onslaught at Arda I (AoR), Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (FD), The Jewel of Yavin (EotE), Friends Like These (AoR), Ghosts of Dathomir (FD)

(EotE) Edge of the Empire, (AoR) Age of Rebellion, (FD) Force & Destiny, (FA) The Force Awakens

Library of Books

B5, d20 System, Pathfinder, SW

Main Logo

This site is currently undergoing migration to website due to needing a different set of tools that I had available to me on here.

Basic Links: Who Am I?, Home, Game Tools, Game Session Videos, My Campaigns, My Library, Site Map, Subscription Information

Game Systems: Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder 1 & 2, Shadowrun, Star Wars. Other Game Systems

Site sponsored by the author AS Hamilton (my wife) with her books available on amazon kindle.

By thedarkelf007

I am a long term gamer, I run 6 RPG's a fortnight, host board game, card game and LANs each about once a quarter and have an addiction to buying more games. Games I am currently running are Pathfinder (1st and 2nd Edition) and Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition).

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